Meet the team​

Leading from Love was and is a call from our hearts. The wish to share our journey to lead from love with many more people and bringing it into the world is what united us. We are a truly diverse ‘troupe’ of six facilitators with different backgrounds, all heading towards the same place; a place where we take a stand for manifesting ways of being in the world that come from love.

We have wide experience in facilitating safe spaces for learning and transformation in very diverse settings all over the world. We leverage our backgrounds in systems thinking, instructional design, process facilitation, sustainability, coaching, mindfulness and behavioural sciences to inform our thinking and design the curriculum content. We have combined our cultural heritages from Europe, Africa and South America to develop inclusive international leadership programs all over the world. And our age differences (from 27 to 54 years old) enrich the different perspectives we hold.

Alessandra Zaffiro

Co-founder / Visual practitioner / Facilitator

Daniela Tablado

Co-founder / Facilitator

Philippine Linn

Co-founder / Facilitator

René Katerberg

Co-founder / Partner / Facilitator

Roberta Domingues

Co-founder / Facilitator

Roxanne Le Failler


Stanley Nyoni

Co-founder / Facilitator