We design and facilitate dialogue series for your organization and/or team!

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A series of 4 workshops where we dive into key practices for transforming the workplace into a space where all our relationships are nurtured: with self – with colleagues – with the organisation as a whole

Workshop 1: Creating community & Safe space

Workshop 2: Self-awareness & Embodiment Practices

Workshop 3: Deep listening & Powerful Questions

Workshop 4: Design for wise action




A series of 4 workshops where we dive into team dynamics and work collectively on vision and alignment

Workshop 1: Clarifying intentions & settings goals

Workshop 2: Working with individual&collective limiting beliefs 

Workshop 3: Visioning & taking responsibility

Workshop 4: Taking action for a desired future 


Book a free 1h taster session

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Overall Structure


  • Each workshop lasts 2h30min. They can be held within a week or spread over 4 weeks
  • There are highly experiential workshops, where we invite people into deep inquiry and practice 
  • All workshops include a final reflection after each workshop, that will serve to adapt the design as we will address relevant questions for participants
  • All workshops include a graphic recording that you can keep as a harvest of the whole process

Time commitment

10h of workshops

30 min (approx.) of individual dedication per each workshop

Full price


Price includes 4 workshops design, preparation work, 2 facilitators fee and graphic recording

Maximum of 20 participants per group

do you want to run this with your team?

That's a great idea! Write us!

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